北京外国语大学文学博士 副教授 硕士生导师
英国伦敦大学访问学者 美国马凯特大学访问学者
英国文学 比较文学与跨文化研究 翻译
HAN Ling is an associate professor and academic adviser for MA and MTI program in the School of Humanities at BUPT. She received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at Beijing Foreign Studies University. She worked as a visiting scholar at University of London and Bodleian Libraries of Oxford University. Her academic interests include comparative literature, Sino-west cultural communication history and intercultural communication & translation studies. She was awarded second prize in the 1stNational Foreign Language Teaching Contest (Beijing) in 2010. She was sponsored by the “Young Talents Program” of Beijing Municipal Government (2013-2016). She won Zhou Jiongpan Teaching Award in 2018. She was also awarded “Best Tutor Prize” in “Star of Outlook” Speech Contest and “FLTRP Cup” English Reading Contest. She has leaded and participated in several national and provincial research projects. She authored a monograph, a translation, three textbooks and 7 journal papers.