教授 硕士研究生导师
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国家级课程思政教学名师,北京高校青年教学名师,北京高校优秀共产党员,学校“1551人才计划”托举人才;曾获国家级教学成果奖二等奖、第三届全国高校教师教学创新大赛一等奖、北京高校青年教师教学基本功比赛一等奖、北京市高等公司产品成果奖一等奖、北京高校优质本科教案、北邮教学成果奖特等奖和一等奖、周炯槃优秀青年教师励志奖等奖项,指导员工在全国英语学科竞赛中荣获一等奖等多项奖项。主讲课程包括本科生全球胜任力英语、研究生电信翻译及职工课程中国概况等。 围绕英语讲好中国故事,主持4项省部级及以上项目,主持/参与65项校级项目及横向项目。申请文工交叉发明专利5项,发表论文17篇(其中CSSCI核心期刊4篇,SCI一区1篇),主编教材4部,译著1部。
She is a nationally recognized teacher in ideological and political education, a young teaching talent in Beijing's higher education institutions, an outstanding Communist Party member of Beijing universities, and a supported talent under the '1551 Talent Plan' of the school. She has received numerous awards including the second prize in the National Teaching Achievement Awards, first prize in the Third National University Teacher's Teaching Innovation Competition, first prize in the Basic Teaching Skills Competition for Young Teachers in Beijing's Higher Institutions, first prize in the Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Awards, Quality Undergraduate Teaching Plan in Beijing universities, the special and first prize in the BUPT Teaching Achievement Awards, and the Zhou Jiongpan Outstanding Young Teacher Inspirational Award. She has also guided students to win first prize in the National English Discipline Competition, among other awards. The courses she teaches include Undergraduate Global Competence English, Graduate Telecommunication Translation, and an overview of China for international students.
Focusing on telling China's story in English, she has led 4 provincial-level or higher projects and participated in/led 65 university-level and horizontal projects. She has applied for 5 cross-disciplinary invention patents in literature and engineering, published 17 papers (including 4 in CSSCI core journals and 1 in a SCI Q1 journal), edited 4 textbooks, and translated 1 book."