陈静,12bet登录入口讲师,国际学院公共英语课程群负责人,中美富布莱特项目访问学者,国家级语言实验室、12bet登录入口语言实验教学示范中心成员,12bet登录入口优秀员工竞赛指导教师,曾任2019年IET PATW全球英语演讲比赛中国赛区决赛评委,主编和参编《视听电影》、《大学英语实验教程》等多部教材。
Chen Jing
Lecturer of the School of Humanities of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)
In charge of the basic English courses of the International School
Visiting scholar of the Sino-American Fulbright Project
Member of the National Language Laboratory, the Language Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of BUPT
Excellent instructor of student competitions of BUPT
Judge of PATW 2019 CHINA FINAL of IET
Chief editor and co-editor of many books includingAudio-visual English Movie Appreciation,College English: A coursebook for Hands-on Language Experiments